Do mothballs or ammonia deter skunks?

Do mothballs or ammonia deter skunks?

Skunks can pose quite a nuisance, especially when they move in uninvited. They carry several dangerous diseases that pose a threat to humans and pets. Besides that, they can also do some pretty heft property damage and their odor lingers. 

Most people will take steps to get rid of an unwanted skunk on their property. However, it can be a little frustrating. Pest control companies typically aren’t equipped to handle these types of animals, leaving homeowners to fend for themselves. 

Researching the best way to repel skunks on the internet will reveal many DIY solutions. Some of the most common of these repellents includes moth balls and ammonia. Unfortunately, neither of these really work. They can both pose additional risk to your family and the environment.

Mothballs and Ammonia

Moth balls contain an ingredient called Napthalene. It is toxic to humans and the environment. It also poses a risk to household pets, young children and other wildlife. In fact, handling moth balls frequently can increase the risk of cancer. These should never be considered a viable option to repel any type of wildlife. 

Ammonia is another toxic substance people often try to repel wildlife. It certainly poses a risk to people, the environment and other animals. People assume it will work because of its strong smell and distressing effect on the airways. 

The truth is that skunks often find a way around d repellents. The best way to get rid of them is to limit attractants and relocate the animal.

Preventing Skunks

Skunks can be aggressive and should never be approached. They are also opportunists when it comes to finding food. The best way to eliminate an unwanted guest is not to invite them in the first place. 

Skunks don’t have great eyesight, but they have a keen sense of smell. They are attracted to things like pet food and low hanging fruit on trees. Don’t leave pet food outside and pick up any fruit that falls on the ground. 

Secure the trash can with a cover and put it in the garage at night. Secure any outbuildings and try not to overwater the lawn. Skunks love digging for grubs in wet soil. If your lawn is overwatered, it could be attracting them. 

You’ll also want to discourage them making a home on your property. Fill in any holes in the yard and secure wire mesh under the porch to keep critters out. Don’t leave wood or rock piles lying around where they can make a den with their young. 

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